Can I just say that I LOVE married life? Well, I guess that I can because this is my blog which gives me the right to say whatever I want. Well, we have been married for 2 months (tomorrow) and I couldn't be more ecstatic about life and the future. God is amazing. I'm tellin' ya. He will never cease to amaze me in His consideration for His children and for giving them even beyond their dreams and desires. It's awesome!!!!

I had the amazing privilege to be in one of my best friends weddings a couple of weeks ago. Andrea Lorenz is now Andrea Dennis!!!! Woo hoo! I'm so happy for her! :) It was so cold that day, but it was worth it. It was beautiful outside.
Ryan's Pop-pop (Grandfather) went to be with the Lord last week, so that was a sad time for him. I wish I could have met him, but I will someday. His life seemed full and purpose filled. I'm sure everyone who knew him will miss him. We went to Massachusetts for the funeral over the weekend (26 hours of driving in 48 hours). It was a fun trip. Bittersweet, but it was nice to meet the family. (Now, I wish I had a pic of Ryan and his Pop-pop to post.)
It's interesting that I haven't had very many best friends in my life and that within a year, Ryan has become the best friend of my life.... literally and in so many ways. It's great having a husband, but to have a husband as my best friend.... that's irreplaceable. I'm very cautious about who I let in my life (well closely that is) and God just has the most amazing plans for our life even when we only see in part. This time last year I was just starting to talk to Ryan after church services and realizing that he was a fun guy.... now, he's still fun, but he's my husband. Don't give up on your dreams and definitely don't take second best because you're tired of waiting for something. If you say you trust God, then trust Him, don't take things out of His hands. He's got this. I learned that the hard way. If you're tired of being patient for something, then give it to God and stop being impatient; the dream is probably right around the corner.
Anywho, I guess that's an update of my life that I love.