Well, hello, hello everyone! I have no idea who still reads my blog, but here's to hoping that there is still someone out there. =P
Anyway, life is grand. I am loving marriage. God is so good to His children. That's the bottom line. Yes, there have been those little things that you find out after you're married, but in all honesty, there has been nothing major and we work with the differences and not fight against them. It's great. It makes us stronger as a married couple. Our families are doing great too! We are all so blessed!
It's still funny sometimes though, when I still think as an individual (I mean, hello, I was pretty much alone for 28 years) and try to "take care of things" by myself. Then I finally share the load with Ryan and he reminds me that is what marriage is about. He will pray and speak over me and because of the covenant we have with God and each other, it's amazing how much brighter the situation looks. No one is perfect and I definitely realize that a lot personally. The key, however, is to notice what needs to change and change it.
I have recently realised that I have gained some post-wedding pounds, but am happy to say that we are working on that. My hubby bought me a new computer AND a new Wii. The Wii is for EA Active. You should look it up if you haven't heard of it. It really is an awesome workout and it's fun. I love it!
There are lots of changes coming for our little family, for the good. Just be praying that we make the right God sent directional changes that we need to. I'm excited about it and so is Ryan and we feel a confirmation in the spirit to go forward. So, in Jesus name it will be so!
Jasper is doing well, turning gray. It's kinda funny. He's healthy and loves to play. We call him our, "brown eyed, black haired child." No worries, no human children in our near future. :)

Anyway, I just wanted to update you all on the happenings and hopefully I will be able to keep up a little more on here, so check for updates or I'll post them on my facebook.