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Well, as most of you have heard and/or seen, I leave for Africa in 2 days. Wednesday morning I am Africa bound. The only thing you have to worry about is making sure I come home. Ha ha I am very excited about this trip.
As most of you know missions and especially Africa holds my heart. I don't know if I will ever do it full time, or if it's just a coming and going thing. As of now my dream is to live there for a year. I'm single, I have no ties, and if it's God's will it will happen. I'm definitely open to that possibility.
Anyway, I will definitely keep you all updated on my trip. I'm not sure how often I will be able to update you via e-mail, let alone myspace/facebook. Ha ha If ya think about me though, e-mail me or text me. It's nice getting texts when I get home. :) I get back on December 5. Love you all and see you soon!!!!

Prayer Targets:
- Spiritual fruit amoung the Maasai
- The Gospel is received by the Maasai
- No disputes about the well or the land that it's on
- Proper provisions are made for all the manpower and equipment
- That the Spirit of God would shine light on the things that need to be seen
- An enduring work is established:
- Well
- Water is found
- Church
- School
- Divine protection:
- Against calamity
- Against attacks (people or animals)
- Against the schemes of wicked men
- Over travel and transportation:
- Flights ON TIME
- Road- safe travel to and from the well site
- Luggage- that it gets there ON TIME
- Entrance to Kenya
- Against setbacks in well-digging procedures
- Against malfunctions with all equipment- that everything works properly and does not break down
- Health:
- Pastor's health- supernatural
- Teams health
- No weariness
- No sickness
- Team Unity:
- Wisdom for the team
- Harmony with the team
- That nothing is overlooked- everything that is needed is taken with the team
So tonight starts our annual Gritty Women Conference. The new thing this year is Gritty Girls which is for the teenagers. Our very own conference. So, guess who is heading it up? Me! Yep, so definitely new territory for me. It's exciting and a bit scary too. So, anyway, I will post updates on Sunday (with pictures even) or Monday. If you think about it though, be praying for the conference to go well and be praying for me too. Thanks! <3
So, I really am going to try to keep up this time. Just some random thoughts about my life thus far:
- I am happy. Not in the sense that everything in my life is going perfectly, but in the aspect that I am happy despite my circumstances. I guess that would mean that I am joyful. Sure life sucks sometimes, but you just gotta keep pressing in.
- My God is ALWAYS faithful. Again, despite how things may look, He's got it in control.
- I want to be able to take more risks and not be scared to do it. Not like "jumping out of a plane" risks, but learning to do things that aren't the norm for me. Getting "out of my box" so to speak.
- I am really excited (and still hoping) that I am getting a puggle puppy around Christmas time.
- I am very excited that God has made a way for me to go to Africa. My finances had a blow recently, but He is definitely providing.
- I love my family and friends and now that I realize their importance in my life, I miss them more whether they are near or far away.
- I love the fall. The fact that I can drive or walk down a path that has leaves everywhere and it's just.....peaceful. I can inhale the crisp air and I know that sounds weird, but it's true. Then at night, when it's even cooler, I can look up at the stars and just be amazed by the beauty that God created just for me.
So, far, this is all that I can think of off the top of my head, but I will try and keep this up this time around.