Tuesday, October 21, 2008


So, I really am going to try to keep up this time. Just some random thoughts about my life thus far:

  1. I am happy. Not in the sense that everything in my life is going perfectly, but in the aspect that I am happy despite my circumstances. I guess that would mean that I am joyful. Sure life sucks sometimes, but you just gotta keep pressing in.
  2. My God is ALWAYS faithful. Again, despite how things may look, He's got it in control.
  3. I want to be able to take more risks and not be scared to do it. Not like "jumping out of a plane" risks, but learning to do things that aren't the norm for me. Getting "out of my box" so to speak.
  4. I am really excited (and still hoping) that I am getting a puggle puppy around Christmas time.
  5. I am very excited that God has made a way for me to go to Africa. My finances had a blow recently, but He is definitely providing.
  6. I love my family and friends and now that I realize their importance in my life, I miss them more whether they are near or far away.
  7. I love the fall. The fact that I can drive or walk down a path that has leaves everywhere and it's just.....peaceful. I can inhale the crisp air and just..........be. I know that sounds weird, but it's true. Then at night, when it's even cooler, I can look up at the stars and just be amazed by the beauty that God created just for me.
So, far, this is all that I can think of off the top of my head, but I will try and keep this up this time around.

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