No, I'm not engaged. Geez. =P Ha ha Gottcha.
No, I figured that I would write a short post on what is going on in my life. Things are amazing. I never, ever, ever thought that I could be so blessed with such an amazing guy in my life. He brings joy to my life and it's great to just do the little things with him: walking in the park, going on a drive, etc. I love his commitment and security in God. I love how he just loves to be with me and likes to take care of me. Yes, ladies, men like this DO exist.
A note to all the single people out there.....again, and I cannot stress this enough.....waiting for the right person is sooooooooooo worth the wait. I'm not kidding. When I finally gave everything over to God and just said, "Hey God, here ya go, I'm not worrying about this anymore and I'm just gonna do whatever You tell me to do." That's when He started moving in ways that I never thought were possible.
My family and my friends love Ryan and love us together. That is such a blessing too. You have no idea. We went to KY this past weekend for him to meet my Dad and Sharon and everything went really well. I am sooo excited about what God is doing!!!!
I will keep you all updated. <3
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009

I have had multiple requests asking me about how this all happened, so I figure since this is my blog, I will write about it. (See how many people are REALLY reading this.....aka I expect comments. Ha ha)
About 7 years ago, Ryan started coming to ERC and at the time I was a youth leader. So, he was just an aquaintance at that time. I remember him and he remembers me, but we never hung out or anything. Then he felt led to go somewhere else about 5 years ago. Little did we know that God was just allowing us space to grow and mature. :)
I believe it was September (Ryan's proofing this before I post, so yeah, around then...ha ha) Ryan started coming back to ERC. I didn't notice him at first cause he sat on the other side of the sanctuary. My sis mentioned it to me one day though and asked if I had seen him. Then, he came over to the promise land....ha ha just kidding....he did come to sit on our side though, so I said hi, he said hi. Thus started the beginning of what God was getting ready to do. We started talking after service.....a lot. I finally got up the gall to ask for his e-mail, which I didn't use until a month later. What can I say, I was a little shy. With the e-mails/IM's started a friendship that will stand the test of time. I'm not kidding. It was and still is wonderful. We have hung out every weekend since Christmas weekend and that's been great too. I had so many people asking if we were a couple and I would always say no. (I guess I was in denial.)
Then we get to a month ago........I started liking Ryan. I DID NOT want to. I have this tendacy to fall for my best guy friends. So, I was praying about it and God said for me to be patient and wait. To not do my usual thing and go tell him and to not initiate anything either. It was hard, but the reward far exceeds anything I could have ever hoped or dreamed of.
March 1st...early in the morning....after we had watched 3 movies.....I was like, "Well, I guess I'm gonna go." (I wasn't too happy, cause I was really hoping that he would have said something by then.) Then he said, "So, how long are we gonna do this just friends thing?" I replied, "I guess that all depends on you." So, at that point we became "official." It has been a joy and a peace and a love (yes, I said love) that I have never known. God's hand is on this and I am amazed that God would love me so much to make someone just for me. Someone who "fits." I always heard people say, "Oh when you know, you know." I never understood it until now, but it is true. I can't explain it, but when you know, you know. It is the most amazing feeling in the world to know that God gave you His best (that's what He told me on my way home that morning). When everyone is in agreement with the relationship and feels a peace about it and is excited about it right along with you.
So, my advice to all the single ladies and guys out is SO worth the wait. When you finally give EVERYTHING over to God and tell Him to take care of it. That's when God gave me Ryan. Never in my wildest dreams would I have ever expected to be with him, but God knew exactly what we both needed and God answered EVERY prayer that I had prayed for what I wanted in a guy, not even that, He gave me more. I am amazed and thankful to my God, my Savior, my King, my everything!!!! I am also thankful for Ryan, for waiting for me and for loving me.
Monday, March 2, 2009
So, I always think it's great when people are like, yeah, God's taking me through a season of patience. I think God has had to take me through multiple seasons of patience because I never quite got what it was about. Ha ha
Well, lately, I had been in a season of patience. It was one of the hardest, yet easiest ones that I have ever had to go through.
At the beginning of the year, I didn't make "New Year's Resolutions," but I did make some promises to God. I think that's more powerful anyway. A few of them were to get into a healthier state physically, take more risks, to just be open to whatever God wanted for me, and all that good stuff. I was finally to the point in my life where I was content where God had me and so I was joyful all the time. I was able to take things in stride and just be patient. Not doing anything unless God told me to on certain issues.
Then came the testing. Ha ha God was pretty much like, if you want this to happen, then you are going to have to let go. Not the way that you usually handle things, but let Me handle things. So, I'm like, okay God, whatever You say. So, I took my hands off of a situation that started out to be not so difficult to take my hands off of. I was tempted to do/say some things during this season, but God would always check me and tell me no. So, I obeyed. I am so happy that I did. I admit that this past week was probably the hardest, but it's always the hardest right before things turn around.
All I gotta say is that it pays to be patient and to truly take your hands off and let God do His thing. It's turned out way better than I could have ever expected. If you have seen my myspace/facebook status, then you probably know what this is about, but I tell you. When you let God do it and it's done's amazing! :)
Amilo tutto! (What language is this? Do you know what it says?)
Well, lately, I had been in a season of patience. It was one of the hardest, yet easiest ones that I have ever had to go through.
At the beginning of the year, I didn't make "New Year's Resolutions," but I did make some promises to God. I think that's more powerful anyway. A few of them were to get into a healthier state physically, take more risks, to just be open to whatever God wanted for me, and all that good stuff. I was finally to the point in my life where I was content where God had me and so I was joyful all the time. I was able to take things in stride and just be patient. Not doing anything unless God told me to on certain issues.
Then came the testing. Ha ha God was pretty much like, if you want this to happen, then you are going to have to let go. Not the way that you usually handle things, but let Me handle things. So, I'm like, okay God, whatever You say. So, I took my hands off of a situation that started out to be not so difficult to take my hands off of. I was tempted to do/say some things during this season, but God would always check me and tell me no. So, I obeyed. I am so happy that I did. I admit that this past week was probably the hardest, but it's always the hardest right before things turn around.
All I gotta say is that it pays to be patient and to truly take your hands off and let God do His thing. It's turned out way better than I could have ever expected. If you have seen my myspace/facebook status, then you probably know what this is about, but I tell you. When you let God do it and it's done's amazing! :)
Amilo tutto! (What language is this? Do you know what it says?)
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