Wow, what to write. The last post was a month BEFORE my wedding. Let's see. If you want to see pics, you need to look me up on Facebook under Mary Hallquist.

The wedding week was really smooth. I had Thursday and Friday off before the wedding, so that helped a lot, but the over all process and day went VERY stress free. It was literally the wedding of my dreams, but it was even better than that. I can say that about Ryan too. He is the man of my dreams, but he is even better than that. It's amazing what God will do for you when you give yourself completely to Him and let Him run your life. Ry and I still look at each other and say, "Wow, am I really married to the person I was just an aquaintance with 7 years ago?" and "This time last year we had barely said a few words to each other and now we're married."

(The above pic is when he met me halfway down the aisle and kissed my hand before we walked up to the front. Awwwww.) The wedding day was beautiful, it started at 5am for me. Got to the church by 7am. It was fun in the girls room, there were about 5 different "stations" going on at once. It was great! I actually saw Ryan before the ceremony. That was a precious moment for me. Once the photographers and the videographers got what they wanted, we were actually alone for a few minutes. It was very, very precious. Plus, doing it that way, we got to go take pics off location and that meant I got to spend most of my wedding morning with my hubby. :) I can honestly say that I didn't cry the whole day. I got teary eyed a few times.... well, more like 8 or 9 times, but that's it. I was proud that I didn't mess up Robert's make-up job.

Charissa did an amazing job with my hair. I had, what felt like, 5 extra pounds on my head with the hair extensions, but it was worth it. That and the ribbon looked awesome! Rhonda did amazing on Ryan's hair, he looked like a rockstar. If you didn't see Ry's tux, it was amazing! He was hot! Definitely not your typical groom. All my bridesmaids were absolutely beautiful and helped me out a lot. :) The groomsmen looked very handsome. Thanks girlies. Nicole did an amazing job helping coordinate things the night of the rehearsal and the day of the wedding. Geez. So many thanks and people who helped us. Erik wrote us an amazing song called, "Silly Love." Very cool indeed. I know there are a TON more people but you are not forgotten, k? =D

Yes, my Mom cried, but I heard that a lot of people did. Ryan and I read our own vows (which most people cried about) and he also made a declaration of covering over me too. It was definitely a God ordained ceremony and I know that He was smiling about it. :) I missed a few people who have gone on to be in eternity, but I couldn't miss them for too long cause I know they are happy and I was happy, so it was okay. I was so happy to have our family and all of our friends there to help us celebrate.

The reception was pretty amazing too. We had a semi-masquerade and walked into The Phantom of the Opera. I was in pain from my dress, but I just tried to force that aspect out and just have fun and have fun I did. I loved having my first dance with my hubby to one of our fav songs. I loved dancing with all of our friends to the Cha Cha Slide. We cut the cake but didn't eat it (we heard it was awesome though), we fed each other strawberries. :)
Anywho, it was an amazing day and I am TRUELY blessed with Ryan. Married life is amazing. I love him even more every day, even though that doesn't seem possible. I am filled with joy when I can come home to him. He makes me laugh. We pray together and have a lot of fun together. He's already been sick in this short time and I am happy to say that he is well and I enjoyed being able to be his wife and take care of him.

Oh, the honeymoon was great too. We went to Oglebay Resort in WV. It was great, it felt like we were the only ones at the resort, so anytime we went and did anything, it was just us. The breakfast was amazing! I enjoyed my vaca with my new hubby too.
So, there ya go. There's my life thus far. I'm sure I will have some more to post about in the near future. <3>
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