::Background Info::
Name: Mary
Age: 27
Date of Birth: 9-12
Place of Birth: KY
Ethnic Background/Ancestry: Irish and American Indian
Languages You Speak: English for sure....ha ha A bit of Spanish, Swahili, and ASL
Relationship Status: Single
School Situation: Non-existant right now
Job Situation: Admin Assist for the GOV
Do you drive?: Yes
Do you smoke cigarettes?: Def negative
Do you drink alcohol on a regular basis?: Not even occasionally
Do you do recreational drugs at least occasionally?: Uhhhh......no
Family Situation [Who do you live with?]: My parents....hey, have you heard about the economy lately?
::Your Appearance [Physical]::
Natural hair color: Uhh....almost black
Hair Type [Straight, Wavy, Curly, etc]: Straight is preferable, but it's naturally curly
Long or short?: Medium at the moment...heading towards long...then if you know me well....short again. ha ha
Current Hair Style: Messy and in a ponytail
Eye color: Golden brown
Eye shape: Almond
Do you have freckles?: A few scattered
Skin tone/complexion: Fair....very fair...they should put me in a Twilight movie, they would save on make-up...ha ha
Do you have a tan?: It's winter in Ohio....what do you think?
Height: 5' 6 1/2"
Body Type/Build: Ummm.....exactly where I should be at this point of the journey :)
Shoe Size: 11
Any scars?: I'm a KY girl, of course I have scars
Physical feature that stands out the most: My eyes I suppose
::Your Appearance [Fashion]::
Tattoos?: Nopers
Piercings?: 9 in my ears
What subculture do you gravitate towards the most?: I hate labels.
How would you describe your style?: Me
Tshirts and jeans -or- Dresses/Suits?: Jeans
Sneakers -or- Heels/Dress Shoes?: Flip-flops
Tight or baggy pants?: Ones that fit
What color do you wear most often?: That's easy....black
What do you wear on an average day around the house?: PJ'S!!!!
What do you wear to sleep?: See above
What is your jewelry style?: Next to none except for earrings
How about shoes? Any brands you love/wear a lot?: Old Navy flip-flops
Do you paint your nails?: Not usually. I will keep up with my toenails in the summer though.
What is your make-up style?: Extreme. =D Eye make-up only
Do you carry around bags or purses?: I guess some would consider them bags
What are your favorite accessories?: My earrings and sunglasses
Do you wear sunglasses a lot?: When the sun is out...unless I'm tanning, then you get interesting tan lines on your face
What is your favorite way to dress? [Sexy, Cute, Modest, Professional, etc]: Depends on my mood
Does fashion mean a lot to you?: Not really, I go my own way when it comes to fashion
::Your Beliefs::
Do you have a religion/spirituality?: I have a relationship with God
Do you believe in a supreme being?: Of course
Life after death?: Definitely
Heaven and Hell?: Most definitely
Angels and Demons?: Ohhhh yes....when you've seen them, you'll never doubt again
Aliens?: Ummm.....not really
Reincarnation?: Nope
Horoscopes?: Come on people...seriously? No
Fortune Telling?: Nope.
If you have a faith/relgion, is it the most important thing in your life?: Absolutely 100% yes
What are your views on abortion?: It is murder, pure and simple
Gay marriage?: Abomination
Politics?: Super conservative
Political Correctness?: Eh
Are you more Liberal or Conservative?: I think I already answered that
How do you feel about sex outside of marriage?: Bad, bad, bad....it's a sin....why waste something so precious as your wedding night with the person you will spend the rest of your life with?
::Dating and Relationships::
Would you date a person with a different religion than you?: Not likely...that is important
How about polar opposite political beliefs?: Mmm.....I don't know
What are qualities you look for in a bf/gf?: Let me go see what I put on some of my old dating sites...ha ha...no, hardcore Christian, stands for his beliefs, good personality, funny, loves to travel, etc. Physically: Eyes, teeth/smile, arms, not too thin and not to big either, etc.
What kind of personality issues do you dislike?: Arrogance, compulsive liars, fakes, egotistical, etc.
Looks or personality?: Both...they go hand in hand in my opinion
Are you shallow?: I don't think so
Do you fall in love easily?: Used to
How do you know you like someone?: When I finally stop being oblivious Ha ha
What do you usually do when you like someone, or think you like someone?: I used to go tell them and then get shut down... :) ... now, I'm just gonna wait. It's worth waiting for.
Do you like to take things fast or slow?: Medium
Casual dating -or- Serious committed relationship?: Definitely serious committed
What is your philosophy on dating/love/relationships?: I think that you shouldn't date until you are in the place where you want to get married. That's where it's supposed to lead, right?
Is there a difference between liking someone and having a crush on someone?: I think so. Crushes are fleeting cause you don't know them and liking someone takes time because that requires knowing them.
Do you like the other person to make the move first?: At this point in my life.....yes.
What would ruin a relationship?: That's a very broad question.....lots of things.
Would your ideal guy/girl call you? Or would you call them?: Mary ;)
Would you expect them to make all the moves?: Nah.
Would you expect them to be with you 24/7?: Definitely no. I need some space.
Are you a jealous person?: Not usually. Only if they constantly bring up how hot other girls are in my presence. That's just wrong by the way.
Obsessive?: No.
Overly emotional?: Not in a relationship.
Do you think you would be a good gf/bf?: I'm a wonderful GF actually.
::Your Future::
What do you want to do with your life?: Whatever God wants me to do. I know that travelling and missions work is definitely a part of that plan.
Is getting married important to you?: Yes. I know I won't be single the rest of my life. Right now though, I'm not fretting over it. God's got it all in control.
Want kids?: I think so. ;)
How many?: Probably no more than 2.
Do you wanna be rich?: Yes, doesn't everyone?
If you had to choose between a huge career and a family, would you?: Family always comes first.
What is your idea of success?: Being a productive person in the kingdom of God.
What is your main goal in life?: I think I have answered that with all the above questions. :)
::A Little Bit of Random Stuff::
Favorite music?: I'm an ecclectic. No country or polka though. ;)
Favorite bands/artists?: That could be an extensive list: Plumb, Emery, Tenth Avenue North, Within Temptation, Jesus Culture.......
Any plans for today?: Yes, gonna go hang with one of my best friends.
What do you like to do with your free time?: Be with my God, read, chill in my PJ's, be with my family and friends, travel, have fun, etc.
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