Monday, February 2, 2009

To go deep or to not go deep.....that is the question.

So, as I am reflecting on just the absolute goodness of God to His children. I'm wondering if I should make this a deep blog or just keep it simple. Hmmm....

What it really comes down to in my life right now is that I am so extremely blessed with things that I didn't even know I needed. Friends that can make me laugh, think, and just let me be myself around them. Understand my zany sense of humor and everything. Ha ha I didn't know that I needed them, but God always knows what He is doing and what we need regardless of if we think we are fine or not. :)

Things are stirring on the inside of me. There are changes in the wind and opportunities to take. This year, I have decided that I will take more risks and that I won't let fear hold me back. I have also decided that I will do the things that I have never done before but wanted to....go to a hockey game, Renaissance Festival, Corn Maze, etc.

Bettering myself for me and no one else. Ha ha That's goes in all aspects of my life: spiritually, physically, mentally, etc. I have been trying to eat better and also working out. I don't want something as simple as bad health to hold me back from doing anything that my heart desires.

I refuse to be a part of "drama" filled people's lives. It's not worth my sanity. If it's none of my business, then I honestly don't want to know. So, don't tell me. I'll live without getting caught up in that junk.

I guess this is just a rant/rave about things, but maybe some of you feel the same way. I don't know.


Naomi Elle Schwartz said...

I know that sometimes it's annoying to blog and think that no one is reading.. but you are now added to my Google Reader!!! I look forward to read more of what you have to say.. about your life and what God is doing in you! :)

in case you don't know...
this is Naomi from Pennsylvania.. we came to God-Force way, way back in the day.. so yeah, it's been awhile :)

if you're desperately bored one day or really really wanna know what's going on in my life, check out my blog. :)

Take care!

MCali said...

Hi Naomi!!! I will add you as soon as I can to my list keeps coming up with an error.

Thanks for the comments, it's nice to know that SOMEONE is reading and I'm not just "talking" to myself like I was still being homeschooled or something. Ha ha

I will check out your blog soon. :) ~Mary~